Mention the word weightlifting, and what comes to people's minds? The typical visual image involves someone pumping iron. It makes sense, as bodybuilding and powerlifting include lifting weights. So does picking up furniture. Anything you lift requires using your muscles to overcome the force of gravity. The muscles, joints, ligaments, and tendons all experience stress when lifting heavy objects. Unfortunately, moving furniture around the home often plays out like a poorly performed deadlift. The resulting negative consequences could be lower back pain and strain. Hopefully, a skilled chiropractor who understands weightlifting injuries could help someone suffering from back troubles after moving furniture at his/her house.

Selecting a "Heavy-Lifting" Chiropractors

Choosing a chiropractor specializing in weightlifting and sports-related injuries proves logical. In the generations past, lifting sandbags and dragging chains represented "old-school" approaches for building strength. Some companies, like Davison Chiropractic, know that when moving heavy objects in the home, you'll be taking part in a similar activity. Unlike a planned workout, moving furniture and other bulky items comes with the risk of overdoing it. Moving things from the house to the car to storage or the city dump might become the equivalent of a three-hour workout. Maybe seeking a medical evaluation would be a good idea after your lower back displays the after-effects of the work. Chiropractic care may follow a primary doctor's care and serve a rehabilitative function.

Doing a Little Too Much

Perhaps contacting a chiropractor understands physical problems inherent with both weightlifting and daily jobs requiring significant heavy lifting would be helpful. While you don't think of moving furniture and personal belongings as sportive, doing so comes with a risk for straining muscles. Sports can cause similar injuries, as the activities can push someone past his/her standard performance threshold. Weightlifting can hurt their backs when trying to break a plateau. Someone pushing too hard at work could do the same. And so might someone who ill-advisably moves too much furniture on a single day.

Arriving at an Assessment

Of course, there are differences between moving furniture and having a hard day overdoing it in the gym. So, it is necessary to make the chiropractor aware of what caused your lower back issues. Tell him/her what you were moving, how long, and any specifics about the pain you feel. If the chiropractor asks you any questions, be as thorough as possible with the response. After all, you want him/her to make the right assessment.

Lower back pain can linger and indicate a serious problem. It might be best to have a proper evaluation performed. A combination of medical and chiropractic care could prove most beneficial.
