Pursuing a career in massage therapy can be an exciting prospect if you're passionate about relieving joint and muscle pain and discomfort. However, with the high number of massage therapy schools in the U.S., it can be quite challenging to find an institution that nurtures your passion and helps you develop marketable skills. The following tips will help you find the massage therapy school that is right for you.

School Approval and Accreditation

When choosing a massage therapy school, you should think about the licensing requirements of at least one state. You should enroll in a program that's operating legitimately. Many states have a list of approved massage therapy programs. It's advisable to choose a school that offers these programs.

It's also easier to get a license if you're enrolled in an accredited program. One of the most renowned accrediting agencies is the COMTA. There are many other accrediting agencies for health programs. Make sure the U.S. Department of Education acknowledges the agency. Research thoroughly to ensure you find a school that's both approved and accredited.

Student-Teacher Ratio

When enrolling in a massage therapy school, the student-teacher ratio is an important factor to consider. This will determine how well the program is implemented. If you have one teacher attending to hundreds of students, you'll not get the proper attention and supervision. 

In such a scenario, expressing your concerns about lessons is a hurdle. The minimum student-teacher ratio in many states is 16:1. With this ratio, you can be sure that the teacher will respond to your questions and identify any challenges you're facing.

Job Placement Rate

Like every student, your aim is to start working after you complete your course. Therefore, it's essential to enroll in a massage therapy school that will help you secure a job after graduation. Your school should support you in your employment path, which includes partnering with internship programs to help you get basic practical skills.

Additionally, enroll in a school with a high attrition rate. This means a high number of students graduate successfully in this institution. When the attrition rate and job placement rate are high, you are guaranteed a successful career.


After short-listing a few massage therapy schools, it's time to settle on one. Visit the schools and check the online reviews of students who studied in these institutions. Additionally, talk to therapists who graduated from these institutions. These final steps will help you make a final informed decision.
